Mesosapiens are primitive beasts, with human-like features, originating from Mesopotamia. Beasts, imagined or real, lurk in us all. Not all are scary or devious. This series of work aims to stretch the imagination in the quest for originality. New creatures emerge through digitally cutting, pasting, combining and manipulating ancient Assyrian sculptural forms. Each monster has an origin story that is half told. Their names are scrambled versions of ancient Assyrian deities.
Zuzupa is the chief of chiefs, warding off evil foes by casting a malevolent glare. He is the creator of hitting the eye (as told in the evil eye legend).
Kallupa is the sea monster who roams the Tigris river. Androgynous by nature, its flowing movements assure the flow of water to irrigation canals.
Nazu is best known for Khigga Yaquora (heavy dance) and roams the Nineveh Plains. Having a high libido, Nazu courts his mates through his unstoppable dance moves. His offspring count is undetermined.
Nakianun grew up in the rugged terrain of the Hakarri Mountains. He is the beast of strength and agility.
Mattia is known for her beauty and grace. Giver of life, she is often associated with birth.
Digital, printed on paper